Finksburg Softball
Thank you all for your interest in Finksburg Softball!
Register remains open for all age groups (subject to change without notice).
Finksburg is rebuilding its highly decorated Softball program. For Spring 2025, we offer a recreational program (playing teams in nearby programs) for 8U, 10U and 12U softball.
Spring fees are $160 for all divisions.
8U - For girls with birthdays between January 1 2016 to December 31, 2018
10U - For girls with birthdays between January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015
12U - For girls with birthdays between January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2013
Spring Program - March to June
Fall Program - August - October
Practices are held at Roaring Run Park (or other fields available to the program, see fields page). Games are held locally in Carroll and Baltimore County.
Players are provided a team hat and shirt. Players are asked to provide pants, socks, cleats, and belt (if desired/needed). Molded cleats only, metal cleats are not permissible.
Frequently Asked Questions
My child has never played softball before. Are they able to play at a lower skill level?
Generally yes. However, as we are just relaunching this program in 2024, we expect all players to be of a similar skill level, and this should not be necessary.
How can I, as a parent or volunteer, support Finksburg Softball?
We are always looking for volunteers to support coaching, assistant coaching, team management, concession stands, field maintenance, etc. You can either sign up when you sign your child up to play or reach out to the league. All volunteers who interact with children are required to complete a background check with Carroll County Recreation. Please see the background check information in the Coaches Corner.
My child would like to play, but we may not be able to afford to play or may not be able to afford to pay now. Are accommodations available?
Yes. We want all children to be able to play regardless of their financial situation. Please reach out to the League President for accommodations.
My child cannot make every practice or game; what would you recommend?
As this is recreational softball, it is not required or necessary that the player attend every practice or every game. We encourage you to participate to your fullest to support the cohesiveness of the team. If you are concerned and would like to discuss your situation, please contact our Recreational Program Director.
Spring Softball 2025
Welcome to the 2025 Finksburg Softball Season Registration. We are very excited to be bringing softball back to our program! For Spring 2025, we offer a recreational program (playing teams in nearby programs) for 8u, 10u and 12u girls softball. Please complete the registration for your player(s). Should you have any questions, please reach out to Frank Roelke.
Finksburg Softball is committed to bringing softball to the youth of our community. Should you have any issues with making a payment (whether it be timing or ability) please reach out to Frank Roelke before registering to determine the appropriate accommodations.
We prefer credit card/e-check payments through our website. If you cannot make electronic payments, please get in touch with Frank Roelke for instructions before registration.
Are you having issues with registration? Try these instructions.