Finksburg Baseball League


Our program is open to boys and girls ages 4 thru 18 (still in High School) and is dedicated to developing baseball skills for all ages. Our in-house program is designed for players of four (4) years of age and over and designed for all skill levels. We offer a Spring Season, beginning in early April, with games played through the end of June, and a Fall Season, beginning in September, with games played through October.


Registration is now closed.

Spring pricing

Instructional (T-ball) $135

Rookie - $165

Major/Minor - $185

Senior/Super Senior - $215

Recreational League Information

Note that the Rules are currently being developed as we participate in a cross-program league. The bulleted rules are designed to give you a sense of how the age group is structured. We post a link to the Rules for each season when they are finalized.

Instructional League

Tim Weber

Instructional Coordinator

  • Designed for ages 4 - 6
  • Focuses on building basic baseball skills
  • Gameplay features soft tosses, coach pitching, or hitting from Tee, depending on ability. All players bat each inning, while the defensive focus is to get the batter out.
  • Competition is not emphasized
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Rookie League

Josh Berman

Rookie Coordinator

  • Designed for ages 7 and 8
  • Focuses on advancing basic baseball skills
  • Gameplay features coaches and player pitching (as ability permits). The game set-up is 3 outs per inning and no stealing. The defensive focus is to control the play.
  • Competition is not emphasized
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Minor League

Kristina Simmons

Minors Coordinator

  • Designed for ages 9 and 10
  • Focuses on advancing baseball skills and learning game situations.
  • Games feature player pitching, limited stealing, scorekeeping, and the use of umpires. Base paths are 60' and the pitching distance is 46'.
  • Standings are maintained and there is a year-end championship tournament
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Major League

Ed Prinz

Majors Coordinator

  • Designed for ages 11 and 12
  • Focuses on teaching all aspects of the game of baseball
  • Gameplay includes all the Minor league features with basepath distance and mount distance plus unlimited stealing and leading off of bases. Base paths are 70' and the pitching distance is 50'.
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Senior League

Ed Prinz

Seniors/SS Coordinator

  • Designed for ages 13 and 14 (and those age 15, however, 15-year-olds are not eligible to pitch)
  • Focuses on the continued development of all aspects of the game of baseball
  • Gameplay includes all the Major League Baseball features with base path distance and mound distance extended. Base paths are 90' and the pitching distance is 54'.
  • The Senior League teams play other nearby teams of the same level in Carroll and Baltimore County.
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Super Senior League

Ed Prinz

Senior/SS Coordinator

Rules are subject to adjustment as we design the cross-program league.

  • Designed for ages 16 through 18
  • Focuses on the continued development of all aspects of the game of baseball
  • The gameplay includes all the Senior League features with base paths extended to 90' and the pitching distance TBD.
  • The Super Senior League plays play other nearby teams of the same level in Carroll and Baltimore County.
  • Teams meet twice a week. Early in the season is 1 or 2 practices a week, transitioning to 1 game and 1 practice per week, ending with 2 games per week

Where we play

Our recreational program has three locations:

Roaring Run Park (main facility)

Sandymount Elementary School

Deer Park Community Park

Please see our Facility Maps for additional location information.

Uniforms / Jerseys

Players are provided a team hat, and shirt. Players are asked to provide pants, socks, cleats and belt (if desired/needed). Molded cleats only, metal cleats are not permissible (except for in Super Senior League).

Frequently Asked Questions

My child has been playing for several years, are they able to play at a higher skill level before they are old enough?

Yes. We consider this on an individual basis and there is a price difference between the leagues. Contact the Recreational Program Director (contact information below).

My child has never played baseball before, are they able to play at a lower skill level?

Yes. We consider this on an individual basis. Contact the Recreational Program Director (contact information below).

How can I as a parent or volunteer support Finksburg Baseball?

We are always looking for volunteers to support coaching, assistant coaching, team management, concession stands, field maintenance, etc. You can either sign up when you sign your child up to play or reach out to the league. All volunteers who interact with children are required to complete a background check with Carroll County Recreation. Please see the background check information in the Coaches Corner.

My child would like to play but we may not be able to afford to play or may not be able to afford to pay now. Are accommodations available?

Yes. We want all children to be able to play regardless of their financial situation. Please reach out to the League President (contact information below) for accommodations.

Is my child able to play with their friend or have the same coach as a prior year?

We Try! In Instructional and Rookie, we are generally able to accommodate these requests. However, as players move up in leagues, in order to keep competition even, these requests may not be able to be fulfilled.

My child is unable to make every practice or game, what would you recommend?

As this is recreational baseball, it is not required or necessary that the player attend every practice or every game. We encourage you to participate to your fullest to support the cohesiveness of the team. If you are concerned and would like to discuss your situation, please contact our Recreational Program Director (contact information below).

My child is trying out for another team or activity that could overlap/conflict with the baseball season. Should I wait to register until after we find out if we can commit to recreational baseball? What is the refund policy?

We would encourage you to sign-up but please reach out to the League President prior to initiating your registration.

Frank Roelke


Kevin Sherfey

Recreational Program Director

Spring 2025

Welcome to the 2025 Finksburg Recreational Baseball Season Registration.  We are very excited for a new year of Baseball!  Please complete the registration for your player(s).  If you are registering multiple players, please contact Kevin Sherfey for how to receive a sibling discount.  Should you have any questions, please reach out to Kevin Sherfey.  

As always, Finksburg Baseball is committed to bringing baseball to the youth of our community.  Should you have any issues with making a payment (whether it be timing or ability) please reach out to Frank Roelke before registering to determine the appropriate accommodations.

We prefer credit card/e-check payments through our website.  If you cannot make electronic payments, please get in touch with Frank Roelke for instructions before registration.

Are you having issues with registration?  Try these instructions.

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